Rudyard Kipling"
“When you're left wounded on Afganistan's plains and
the women come out to cut up what remains, Just roll to your rifle
and blow out your brains,
And go to your God like a soldier”
General Douglas MacArthur"
“We are not retreating. We are advancing in another direction.”
“It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it.” “Old soldiers never die; they just fade away.
“The soldier, above all other people, prays for peace, for he must suffer and be the deepest wounds and scars of war.”
“May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't .” “The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.
“Nobody ever defended, there is only attack and attack and attack some more.
“It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.
The Soldier stood and faced God
Which must always come to pass
He hoped his shoes were shining
Just as bright as his brass
"Step forward you Soldier,
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To My Church have you been true?"
"No, Lord, I guess I ain't
Because those of us who carry guns
Can't always be a saint."
I've had to work on Sundays
And at times my talk was tough,
And sometimes I've been violent,
Because the world is awfully rough.
But, I never took a penny
That wasn't mine to keep.
Though I worked a lot of overtime
When the bills got just too steep,
The Soldier squared his shoulders and said
And I never passed a cry for help
Though at times I shook with fear,
And sometimes, God forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.
I know I don't deserve a place
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around
Except to calm their fears.
If you've a place for me here,
Lord, It needn't be so grand,
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't, I'll understand."
There was silence all around the throne
Where the saints had often trod
As the Soldier waited quietly,
For the judgment of his God.
"Step forward now, you Soldier,
You've borne your burden well.
Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in Hell."
Cops, explosives and Islam in Malaysia by Commander (Rtd) S THAYAPARAN Royal Malaysian Navy
Thursday, July 07, 2016
“The greatest danger of a terrorist's bomb is in the explosion of stupidity that it provokes.”
- Octave Mirbeau
Malaysiakini : The terrorist attack in Puchong, first dismissed by the police and
then confirmed as a foreign Islamic-influenced attack on Malaysian
citizens, is a culmination of botched propaganda and lapses in our
security apparatus. It is also a troubling sign that the state’s
security apparatus is bogged down in the internal squabbles of Umno and
the partisan conflict of the greater Malaysian political landscape.
As reported in the Australian media earlier this year, the Australian
government issued a travel advisory for its citizens of possible
terrorist attacks in Malaysia, citing retaliative measures by Islamic
State (IS) sympathisers. This was the efforts of intelligence sources
and various other joint interagency counter-terrorism investigation
following a revenge video posted by IS in response to efforts by the
Malaysian authorities in curbing their activities in the country.
Katibah Nusantara (Malay Archipelago Brigade) posted a video
claiming, “If you catch us we will only increase in number but if you
let us be, we will be closer to our goal of bringing back the rule of
khalifah [caliph]… We will never bow down to the democratic system of
governance, as we will only follow Allah's rules."
Inspector-general of police (IGP) Khalid Abu Bakar in a cavalierly manner dismissed
threats from IS saying, "He [Syrian-based Malaysian IS representative
Mohd Rafi Udin] only dared to threaten the police because he is far
away. Why don't you come back?” I would argue that this is an almost
criminally negligent taunt, akin to shouting fire in a crowded movie
There was also the usual state revisionism at play when the IGP claimed,
“That is why I made it my focus this year to monitor social media. It
is not to go into some private conversation, but to ensure all these
(are kept in check),” which is complete bull manure because the focus
was on monitoring the opposition to the extent of the creation of a
special task force to monitor “seditious” speech by the opposition and
opposition-leaning members of the public.
Furthermore, the IGP also trotted out the old idea of ghettoising
non-Islamic entertainment outlets when he said, “This is why prior to
this, I had suggested state governments concentrate entertainment
centres in one location, so that it would be easier for authorities to
monitor them.”
Anyone familiar with the narratives of Islamic clergymen in this
country would recognise that this kind of rhetoric serves the purpose of
alienating the mainstream non-Malay polity from their Muslim Malaysian
brethren, thereby fostering patriotism by isolation sentiment amongst
the Malay polity. This of course does not take into account the various “Muslim”
entertainment outlets in the heart of the capital run by Indonesian
expatriates and other foreigners that also serves as intelligence
gathering apparatuses for various regional intelligence services.
Living in denial
A protégé of a former Special Branch officer told me that Bukit Aman
is living in denial, and he does not mean the river in Egypt. Their
handling of the Puchong terrorist attack was mendacious, borderline
racist and destroys the extremely dangerous work of security personnel
who have managed to foil terrorist attacks, or at least disrupt their
plans. The problem is that Bukit Aman is mismanaging the propaganda war against Islamic militants because:
1) They seem more interested in the well-being of their political masters.
2) The police are dealing with mixed signals when it comes to the propaganda that is disseminated to the Muslim-majority polity.
In this instance, it is the unbridled power of the religious corps
who maintain that Islamic dogma is the unifying factor in the Malay
community and that the non-Malays are a threat to Muslim hegemony, which
ironically does not contradict the messages of Islamic extremist groups
like IS and their subsidiaries. Furthermore, a very specific form of
Islam is mandated by the Umno state and this, of course, causes
complications with the various other sometimes benign Muslims sects.
3) The general propaganda or information to the public is dismissed
because of the way how the current IGP operates. The fact that he has
not enforced secular laws when it comes to religious matters and is thus
perceived as untrustworthy when it comes to his role as an unbiased
civil servant, but most importantly, he has neither the commanding
presence nor persuasive demeanour of someone who supposedly leads the
security apparatus charged with maintaining peace and security.
And let us not get into the fact that Singaporean intelligence
apparatus is obsessed with Islamic intransigence - and rightly so - and
cross-border intelligence sharing is hampered by bureaucratic hiccups on
our end because of the current state of political turmoil. You can’t
hunt the enemy from the outside when you lump your political adversaries
from within as enemies of the state.
Joseph Chinyong Liow in piece for the Brookings Institute titled ‘Malaysia’s ISIS conundrum’
said, “To be sure, Malaysia has a very competent internal security
apparatus. But security measures alone are insufficient to deal with the
threat the country currently faces. Indeed, without changing the way
Malaysian society views and articulates Islam to allow for critical
engagement of extremist ideas, the utility of security measures is
limited at best.
“Worse still, they might have a contradictory effect of feeding an
extremist mindset. While critical engagement will not eradicate the
problem, I believe it will go some distance in reducing it. But in order
to set a new tone for public discourse on Islam, pluralism, and
critical engagement of extremist ideas, it will require political will
and leadership at the very top.”
Enemies within
Still serving state security intelligence officers confirm to me that
there is a disconnect between their political masters and the committed
security personnel who tread where angels dare not. I have faith in
those men, who in the words of George Orwell, or is that Edmund Burke,
who do the rough work necessary for the rest of us to sleep peacefully
in our beds. However, their work is hampered by policies of the Umno
state and politicians who have used Islam as a weapon and now find it
turned on them.
Special Branch director Comm Mohamad Fuzi Harun, as reported
in local media, said this of the surveillance methods of the Malaysian
security apparatus, “We monitor not only the target but the family
members. I can’t reveal to you police matters about how many police
officers or personnel are involved. I think that is not your business.
That is our business!”
Citing Mohd Nazri Dollah (of Darul Islam) as a data point of the
so-called rehabilitation programme, “He continued his militant
activities, recruiting students and other people. So we had to take him
back into custody and put him through extra rehabilitation programmes.”
Although I question the efficacy of these so-called rehabilitation
programmes, the real issue, the worrying issue is the reality - again
confirmed by Umno sources and still serving security personnel - that
the state security apparatus has been compromised. We always hear of
low-ranking cops who are involved in terrorist activities but as anyone
who has worked in the security forces could tell, these cops are exactly
the kind of assets that are needed in planning attacks on soft targets.
Furthermore, the scale of the infiltration should worry the general
public. As reported in the foreign press, the latest rounds of IS
suspects earlier this year also included “... a senior aviation
technician for a company that services aircraft used by the country's
corporate and political leaders. The 49-year-old suspect is a former
flight engineer for the Royal Malaysian Air Force.”
A regional security source told the South China Morning Post:
"The suspect is a senior technician, whose responsibility was to check
that an aircraft is safe for use. He is the person who gives the green
light whether an aircraft is safe to take off or not."
Security personnel tell me that efforts with monitoring mosques and
other religious meeting places are hampered by the fact that
on-the-ground assets have to filter so-called “anti-Umno” rhetoric that
is part of the democratic process and the real threats of
anti-government rhetoric by committed Islamic terrorists.
Furthermore, the pervasiveness of the groupthink - the opposition
also suffers from this but this is reflected in a different way -
embedded in governmental institutions has had a debilitating effect on
Malay and non-Malay personnel. When the default position of the Umno
state is defensive when it comes to Islam, it is all the more difficult
to take an offensive stand against Islam, and the sometimes benign but
in this case virulent strand, that poses a danger to the citizenry of
this country.
Add to this the complicated reality of security apparatus personnel
navigating the petty fiefdoms and the allegiances of said fiefdoms to
Umno warlords and potentates and the fact that Malaysia is a nexus for
human trafficking, with the complicity - well-documented - of the
security apparatus. This last part is extremely important because the
unsanctioned flow of illicit human cargo is the conduit for Islamic
extremists to leave and enter the country.
Orwell claimed “people sleep peaceably in their bed at night only
because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.” A few
readers have pointed out that the source of this particular quote is in
dispute, but I will stick with Orwell for now. The “rough men” here in Malaysia who stand ready to do violence to
Islamic extremists are hampered by a political apparatus mired in its
own internal squabble and a system that nurtures the enemy they have to
do battle with.