Frank James |
Robert Spencer : Like the black supremacist Jersey City terrorists, James used a
U-Haul as a base and was convinced that black people were being
“These white motherf—–s, this is what they do,” James had ranted in his YouTube videos while claiming that white people were
plotting to kill all black people. “It’s just a matter of time before
these white motherf—–s decide, ‘Hey listen. Enough is enough. These
n—ers got to go.’”
“And so the message to me is: I should have gotten a gun, and just started shooting motherf—–s.”
And indeed that is allegedly what James did.
An initial survey of photos from the scene appear to show wounded
white, Latino, and Asian victims, but no black people, suggesting that
the terrorist may have targeted people by race.
Where could James have gotten his racist ideas from? While notions
such as white replacement by minorities are denounced as dangerous
racist conspiracy theories, the inverse, conspiracy theories that claim
white people are going to launch a black genocide are mainstream.
The Black Lives Matter protests were accompanied by false claims that police shootings of black men represent genocide.
Every policy, from locking up violent criminals to merit-based college
admissions, is not just denounced as racist, but as the new slavery and
A Democrat political candidate even claimed that, “The Banning of Critical Race Theory is an Act of Genocide.”
When everything you don’t like is genocide, it becomes a lot easier
to kill. In the mind of the subway terrorist, he may well have been
acting in self-defense against a vast conspiracy of whiteness which, any
day now, was just going to kill black people like, in his own words,
“cattle waiting to be taken to the slaughter.” Instead the people on the
subway became his cattle.
When even Pizza Hut distributes flyers
to teachers encouraging them to indoctrinate their students to believe
that “America is a country built on a foundation of slavery, genocide,
and white supremacy”, what exactly do you expect from your friendly
local racist gunman?
“America is going to come to an end,” James insisted in one of his
videos, arguing that the country represented the vision of “a handful of
Europeans” and that black and white people were as incompatible as
different families of monkeys and whales, and could not co-exist.
Or as National Book Award winner Ta-Nehisi Coates wrote,
the 9/11 firefighters and police officers “were not human to me”
indicating there’s a thin line between literary awards and shooting
people on the N train. Crossing the thin line involves taking their
rhetoric seriously.
The incompatibility of black and white people, an idea once reserved
for the margins where black and white supremacists resided, has been
aggressively mainstreamed with racially segregated campus events and
employee groups in corporate offices. HR and DEI offices recirculate
claims that every form of professional office behavior is evil racist
Beliefs that were marginal a generation ago are now being taught in colleges and schools.
James just put them into action. Critical race theory insists that
white people are innately evil oppressors. If its proponents really
believe that, why aren’t they shooting white people too?
Or, as Nikole Hannah-Jones, the originator of the racial revisionist
1619 Project hoax raved, “the white race is the biggest murderer,
rapist, pillager, and thief of the modern world” who continues to “pump
drugs and guns into the Balck (sic) community, pack Black people into
the squalor of segregated urban ghettos and continue to be bloodsuckers
in our communities.”
If you believe that sort of thing is true, why not act on it?
The language of civil rights has long since been eclipsed by the
hysterical language of racism and the institutions, public and private,
pushing racism and racial supremacism also deny that mainstreaming
racism could possibly have any negative consequences. Instead Senator
Cory Booker and Kamala Harris actually worked to dismantle FBI monitoring of black supremacists.
The rising wave of racist attacks in New York City, primarily against
Asians and Jews, was met with failed efforts to blame President Trump
even though the perpetrators were mostly black.
Instead of reckoning with the reality and the consequences of racist
propaganda, New York City, like other woke cities, remained obsessed
with white supremacy. While serious white supremacist attacks have
happened elsewhere in the country, the Big Apple is not a likely venue
for any such attacks. City and state officials who spent all their time
warning about white supremacy were disregarding the more likely sources
of violence like that of Frank James.
Almost 30 years ago, Colin Ferguson had opened fire on a Long Island
Railroad train. In his notebook were a series of racist rants about
white people and Asians. His lawyers famously blamed “black rage”
claiming that the experience of racism made the killer lose control.
Ferguson and James are familiar characters in the crazed pantheon of
urban life. Every New Yorker passes by them on the daily commute,
looking away from the mumbling men obsessed with a world only they can
see, orbiting their victimhood, until they finally fall and lash out
with a knife or a gun. And people bleed in subways and on sidewalks
while the news cameras roll.
Maybe both black supremacist monsters would have pulled the trigger
even if there weren’t an entire industry making millions by propping up
their racist fantasies.
Or maybe not.
There’s been a long list of black supremacist killers in the BLM era
from Micah X. Johnson, who killed 5 Dallas cops, Kori Ali Muhammad’s
murder of 4 people in Fresno, and Darrell Edward Brooks Jr. who ran over
women and children at the Waukesha Christmas parade. It would be absurd
to pretend that the mainstreaming of black supremacism did not play a
role in that.
New York City’s leaders needed to spend less time babbling about
white supremacy and more time reckoning with the racist black
supremacist terrorists who are walking among them.
Before the next black supremacist terrorist attack takes place.