Al-Quds Day in Frigging Canada
Robert Spencer : “Conflict” is not “prohibited” during Ramadan. On the contrary.
During Ramadan, an observant Muslim strives to conform his or her life
to the will of Allah. And what is the will of Allah? A hadith has a
Muslim asking Muhammad: “Instruct me as to such a deed as equals Jihad
(in reward).” Muhammad replied, “I do not find such a deed.” (Bukhari
4.52.44). If jihad is the deed that brings the greatest reward, it is a
perfect deed for Ramadan, in which Muslims strive to please Allah and do
things that will bring them his rewards. That is why so many Muslims
say that Ramadan is the month of jihad. A small sampling:
“Ramadan is not a month of laziness but rather a month of activity,
of effort, and of hard work, and as it also was in the life of the
Prophet, a month of jihad, conquest, and victory.” — Palestinian
Authority Supreme Sharia Judge Mahmoud Al-Habbash
“Ramadan is a month of holy war and death for Allah. It is a month
for fighting the enemies of Allah and God’s messenger, the Jews and
their American facilitators.” — Qaedat al-Jihad
“Ramadan is the pious month of ‘Jihad-o-Qital’ (Jihad and killing).
Those who attain martyrdom while waging Jihad, doors of heaven remain
open.” — Maulana Bashir Ahmad Khaki
“Our fight is Jihad and an obligatory worship. And every obligatory
act of worship has 70 times more reward in Ramadan.” — Taliban spokesman
Zabihullah Mujahid
Raheel Raza might dismiss all these as jihadis who are twisting and
hijacking her peaceful Islam, and that’s fine by me. The more Muslims
she manages to convince of that, if she convinces any at all, the
better. But the reason why she likely has trouble convincing Muslims
that “conflict” is forbidden during Ramadan is because these four
sources I just quoted are not ignorant of Islam and what it teaches.
Habbash is a Sharia judge. Khaki is a maulana, a scholar of Islam. They
didn’t draw their views about Ramadan out of thin air. They drew them
from Islamic sources such as the hadith I quoted. And other Muslims do
as well, which is one reason why there has been not just the abhorrent
Al-Quds Day rally this Ramadan, but also 138 jihad attacks with 782 people killed.
Raza rejects the authority of “the ayatollahs and mullahs” and claims
that “there is no official clergy in Islam,” but then clouds the point
she is trying to make by adding: “Muslims believe in a direct connection
with the Almighty, without the need for an intercessor.” That’s true,
but it really doesn’t establish whether or not there are religious
authorities in Islam, even if they aren’t considered intercessors
between Allah and human beings (neither are Christian priests, which she
apparently doesn’t know, but that’s beside the point). Generally in
Sunni Islam, the ulama of various countries are recognized and respected
authorities whose understandings of various issues take precedence over
the understanding of the individual believer. In Shi’ite Islam the
ayatollahs, to whom Raza refers directly here, have even greater
authority. The word “ayatollah” itself means “sign of Allah,” which is
the same designation given to verses of the Qur’an, and the ayatollahs
are considered to be superior in Islamic learning; their opinions are
not to be taken lightly or idly dismissed.
And finally, it must be noted that jihadis do not consider their acts
of jihad to be manifestations of “hate” or “revenge” or “anger.” They
are, rather, acts of piety and devotion to Allah, performed in the hope
of reward from Allah. So when Raza says that there is to be no hate or
revenger or anger during Ramadan, that may be true, but to a jihadi, or a
participant in Al-Quds Day, that wouldn’t negate screaming “Allahu
akbar” to the announcement of an attack on the Jews, whom the Qur’an
designates as the worst enemies of the Muslims (5:82).
In light of all this, while Raheel Raza’s piece no doubt comforts
those who are ignorant about these issues, her arguments would do
nothing to deter a jihadi or change the mind of a participant in Al-Quds
Day. And that’s what is really needed.
“Raheel Raza: As a practising Muslim, I find Al-Quds Day abhorrent,” by Raheel Raza, National Post, April 26, 2022
On April 24, there was an anti-Israel rally in downtown Toronto, at which participants could be heard shouting “God is great”
after it was announced that Israel had been hit by two rockets. Such
hate-filled events are not uncommon in Toronto, as we witness every year
at the Al-Quds Day parade. As a practising Muslim observing the
sanctity of the holy month of Ramadan — which is about contemplation,
reflection and the renewal of our ethics and morals — I feel I must
speak out….
First of all, conflict is prohibited during the month
of Ramadan, as it is a time when hate, revenge, anger and rage are to be
subdued. Thus, orchestrating an event that is nothing but a hate fest
is totally against the essence of Ramadan.
Secondly, while some
people believe they are following a legal edict by an ayatollah,
according to many learned scholars, there is no official clergy in
Islam. Muslims believe in a direct connection with the Almighty, without
the need for an intercessor.
The ayatollahs and mullahs who take
it upon themselves to impose their ideas on the Muslim masses are not
divine and neither are they “sanctioned” by Islam. They are not in a
position to promote violence and hate against anyone. In fact, Islam
promotes knowledge, debate and discussion.
The Prophet Muhammad
advised Muslims to attain knowledge even if you have to go to China
(China at that time being considered the farthest point). Muslims are
also told that if you possess knowledge and do not share it, you are
like a donkey carrying a burden of books. The ayatollahs and mullahs who
perpetuate Al-Quds Day are like the donkey, because they don’t share
knowledge, but only incite divisions….
In May 2021, I wrote an article in
this newspaper about violence perpetrated against two young people,
warning that the roots of antisemitism are based on hate and if
hate-fests are allowed to take place on our streets, then we are headed
in the wrong direction. After it was published, I received a message
from a member of the Sufi Centre, which I had attended for many years,
saying that they were “Not happy at all with your recent article about
Israel and Palestine. You are not one of us.” The stench of antisemitism
was strong.
I was shocked and dismayed at this veiled threat (you
have to be part of the faith to understand the underlying implication,
the results of which can be life-threatening). What was more astonishing
was that it came from the Sufis. Sufism is the mystic path of Islam
that is known for tolerance, moderation and inclusivity.